1.Builder Updates
1A. Roy Farris (Kit #13) – For Sale.
1B. Chuck Westcott (Kit #12) – First solo flight.
1C. Bud Tedesco (Kit #16) – Mr. Test Pilot!
1D. Ray Seim (Kit #10) – In The Home Stretch.
1E. Bryan Davies (Kit #7) - Wing's A Home Run – Fuselage On-Deck.
1F. Steve Rogers (Kit #14) – New Engine Oil System.
1G. George Morse (Kit #5) – Still For Sale.
2. CAD Progress - Done with the “First Pass”
3. That &*@#$!% Sheet Metal Brake -
4. New (Home Brew) 8 Foot Press Brake -
5. CNC Plasma to CNC Router -
6. Great Wall of Prowler -
7. Heat Treating of Horizontal Stabilizer Parts -
Let's start with the builder updates,
1.Builder Updates – Here is the latest information from the current builder's:
1A. Roy Farris (Kit #13) – The Economy. Sadly, Roy reports that the economy has downsized his job. He initially thought he'd be forced to put his Prowler up for sale. But, as of our last contact with Roy, he is working on a deal that will allow him to keep his Prowler. Here's a file pic of his airplane:

In any event, GREAT JOB CHUCK! We are all very happy for you. OK, we're all a little envious too! Thank you for sharing your experience and reporting on your flights.
1C. Bud Tedesco (Kit #16) – Mr. Test Pilot! OK Bud – you're just having too much fun with this test pilot thing! Got an email from Bud recently – and I quote:
”On T/O today, I hauled the nose up to keep the A/S below 100kts until the gear was retracted. Glancing at the A/S, I noted that it read 0 (zero), but we were climbing like a homesick angel. The brilliant deduction was "sum ting wong". By dint of superior airmanship, skill and cunning (otherwise known as blind luck), a successful landing was accomplished. Neither the air vehicle nor its occupant was dented.”
As you may recall, on one of Bud's previous test flights his canopy departed the aircraft (quite a story). Hence, we think that Bud might be taking this test pilot thing a bit too far (kidding). In all seriousness, nice work Bud. Turns out that the dynamic pressure line to his pitot-static system had vibrated to the point of separation at the top of the pitot tube and this caused the loss of airspeed indication. He urges everyone to ensure that their dynamic and static pressure lines are well supported (and damped) to prevent this. Great use of those partial panel skills you learned all those years ago! In addition, Bud reports a few gripes that he is still working to resolve on his airplane. One is a heavy left wing. He has added lead weight to the right wing to counter this (for the time being) until the root cause of this asymmetry can be investigated more fully. Bud has now completed more than 10 hrs of flight testing so his radius of operation has opened up to 75nm (from 25nm). More to follow. Nice work Bud, but next time maybe just report a “nominal” test flight – for something different (;-).
1D. Ray Seim (Kit #10) – In The Home Stretch. Well, the “Master” is still hard at it. Ray has gotten his fairings made, installed, and primed. Check these out! Ray had them hand made by Will, a professional metal smith near Van Nuys Airport. They turned out fantastic:

1E. Bryan Davies (Kit #7) - The Wing's A Home Run – The Fuselage is On-Deck. Bryan has been moving right along on his airplane. He has recently completely finished up his entire wing section (center and outboard sections). All the systems are installed and tested including the fuel, venting, hydraulic, landing gear, brakes, and associated electrical systems. Here's an earlier pic of his wing section:

1F. Steve Rogers (Kit #14) – New Engine Oil System. Our most recent email from Steve says that he is in the process of re-designing much of the engine oil system of his Prowler. He is creating a new lower cowl piece that includes a chin inlet and a new diffuser. It will hold a new style oil cooler and incorporate exit ducts. He is also switching to a complete scavenging system with three scavenging pumps and an air/oil separating tank, as well as a remote oil filter mount with a built-in temp sensor port and a pressure port that he will use as a source to lubricate the supercharger. Here's a couple of pics:

1G. George Morse (Kit #5) – Still For Sale. George's airplane is still for sale. George completed the annual late last year and has it in flying condition. There have been a few “lookers” but no serious inquiries to date.
2. CAD Progress – Done with the “First Pass.” We've now completed our first pass through the entire airplane and have at least one CAD drawing of each part of the airplane that we got from George. Since we were sort-of learning as we went along in the CAD drawing process, the work at the beginning was not of the same quality as the recent work completed. So, the “second pass” work has now started. This next pass will help to “standardized” the drawings, correct errors and use more accurate techniques in developing some of the drawings. Here's a 3D pic of the cockpit floor area:

3. That &*@#$!% Sheet Metal Brake - Well, after another three days of tweaks, the 8 ft sheet metal brake project is a success and a failure. Here are some pix straightening the bed:
4. New (Home Brew) 8 Foot Press Brake - After some research and homework on press brakes, we decided to give a press brake a try. A commercial unit that will bend 8 ft would be cost and size prohibitive for the current Prowler Aviation. So, we decided to try a “homebrew” solution. Here's the base:
5. CNC Plasma to CNC Router - After spending significant time, energy and money on rebuilding a Torchmate 1 plasma table into a system with CandCNC electronics with a Digital Torch Height Control, we discovered that it cannot be used to cut aircraft aluminum. Turns out that when you use high heat to weld or cut aluminum it creates an area called a heat affected zone (HAZ). What makes 2024-T3 so stiff is the copper that is alloyed into the aluminum. But, in the HAZ, the heat makes the copper come out of solution and form "clumps" that lodge in between the grains of aluminum. This reduces the metals ability to resist corrosion, in particular a corrosion know as "Inter-granular Corrosion."
So, we are now pursuing the purchase or building of a CNC routing system. A CNC router that is at least 4ft x 8ft will allow us to cut out any and all of the Prowler parts. It will also allow us to pursue the process of "match drilling" of part holes. This has the potential to greatly improve the building experience by simplifying assembly process. More to follow.
6. Great Wall of Prowler - It's the time of year again in Northern California that the ground can be worked and the weather is not too hot. So we took advantage of some available time to get the retaining wall completed in front of the shop. It took a little over a week and we completed the wall as far as we've planned to for this year. Because the wall is getting fairly lengthy, we've jokingly coined it the "Great Wall of Prowler". Here are a few shots:

7. Heat Treating of Horizontal Stabilizer Parts -
We've had several parts of the Horz Stab setting on the bench for quite some time now. Mostly, this section of the plane has been waiting on getting 8 parts heat treated from the 2024-O material to the T4 condition. While sitting on-call down in the LA area, we found a company that is seriously all about heat treating aluminum. Newton Heat Treating in City of Industry, CA does an amazing array of functions related to heating and treating aluminum; Plus they're just great folks! Here's the parts that we had treated and a shot of the front of Newton's facilities: